Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Division K 15th Semi-Annual Convention

Division K 15th Semi-Annual Convention
Press Release

Toastmasters from all over Sabah, Labuan Federal Territory and Brunei Darulsalam will meet in Tawau from 9th to 10th October 2010 in the Division K 15th Semi-Annual Convention.

The event is organized by Tawau Toastmasters Club and the Organising Committee is lead by Immediate Past President of the Club, Rosslin Peter Rosen.

Division K is part of the newly formed Toastmasters International District 87. The first District 87 Governor, Mohamad Ariff Azahari will be the Guest of Honour for the convention. He will also conduct a workshop entitled EQ In Communication. The other workshop speakers are Ray Chia who will speak on Show The Charm of Speeches (展现自我演说魅力) and Dr Sarjit Singh Sidhu, Shine On.

Besides the workshop there are also Area K5 Mandarin Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests, Division K Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests and a fellowship night with the Theme Floral Night.

Educational and leadership achievers in the Toastmasters program will also receive their awards during the convention.

Division K Governor Datin Grace Chiu and Organising Chairperson Rosslin Rosen urge all interested members or members of the public to register as soon as possible. Online registration and details of the convention could be obtained from its official website at http://tawau-2010.blogspot.com.

Alternatively members could also contact Datin Grace Chiu (019-833-8193) or Rosslin Rosen (016-8263978).



K分區是國際演講會新成立的87區的一部分。第一屆87區總督穆罕默德阿里夫阿扎哈里將是主禮嘉賓。他也將進行一個工作坊,題為當量通信。其他的演講嘉賓是謝瑞盛(展現自我演說魅力)和DR Sarjit S Sidhu(照耀)



K分區總督拿汀Grace Chiu及籌備委員會主席羅诗玲羅森敦促所有感興趣的会員盡快登記。網上報名和細則可浏览其官方網站 http://tawau-2010.blogspot.com

另外會員也可以聯繫拿汀Grace Chiu019-833-8193)或羅诗玲羅森(016-8263978)。

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