Floral Night
V Young
Invocation - Vera Yap
Master of Ceremony - Lee Chye Ewe
Organising Chairperson - Rosslin Peter Rosen
Finish All The Food - Lee Chye Ewe
Division K Governor - Datin Grace Chiu
DG Catwalk - Lee Chye Ewe
Ta-WOW! - Mohamad Ariff Azahari
Speak Hokkien? - Lee Chye Ewe
Evaluation & Humorous Speech Contests
Contest Organising Chairperson - Datin Betty Hiew
Toastmasters International District 87, Division K 15th Semi-Annual Convention 9th & 10th October 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Floral Night MC
Lee Chye Ewe
Master of Ceremony
Floral Night
Division K 15th Semi-Annual Convention
9th & 10th October 2010
Tawau, Sabah
Master of Ceremony
Floral Night
Division K 15th Semi-Annual Convention
9th & 10th October 2010
Tawau, Sabah
Friday, October 29, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tawau Harian Express 23rd October 2010
Full page colour coverage on Division K 15th Semi-Annual Convention 2010
Click on the image to enlarge
Click on the image to enlarge
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
期待已久的國際演講會87區 K分區第15屆半年度峰会終於在10月9日2010年如期進行。約 100名來自沙巴和文萊各地的代表出席了為期兩天一夜的峰会。
籌備委員會主任罗斯玲彼得羅森和K分區總監拿汀Grace Chiu在他們的發言同时承認及肯定斗湖演講會的勇氣和能力。罗斯玲說,斗湖國際演講會很小,成員们不多也在忙於工作和家庭的承諾。但委員們最後決定放下個人的問題,自今年五月开始集中全部精神来筹备这个峰会。在有限的会员人数,但不低於承諾的情况下,許多會員都必須扮演多個角色,以確保峰会的成功。
K分區總監拿汀Grace Chiu祝賀及感谢斗湖國際演講會的付出和牺牲。K分區峰会一路来都在亞庇,山打根和文萊舉辦。她也感謝各位代表们的支持國際演講會峰会,同时更好地把自己的公眾演講能力和領導技巧提升。
K分區總監也感謝主禮嘉賓暨專題演講嘉賓87區總監Mohamad Ariff Azahari。Mohamad Ariff来自砂拉越古晉。另外兩名專題演講嘉賓分別是来自吉打州的Sarjit Singh Sidhu博士和亚庇文华健言社的謝瑞盛。
稍早前,K分區理事會成員開會討論有關國際演講會事宜。出席會議的還有87區總監Mohamad Ariff Azahari,營銷副總監Richard Gontusan和87區秘书Ivy Fung。會議由K分區總總監拿汀Grace Chiu主持。在場的还有K分區文教及培訓助理總監李再有,市場助理總監黃鍵輝,公共主任Shane Ho,各地區總監和顧問。
拿汀Grace Chiu也在會議中宣布成功成立UMS演講會。K分區的演講會也因之增加到24个。更多的演講會也会繼續成立。这表现越來越多的人认同溝通和領導能力的重要性。
主禮嘉賓暨87區總監Mohamad Ariff Azahari在当晚演講时,祝賀 K分區和斗湖國際演講會成功地舉辦了這樣一個大規模的峰会。他也提出了許多K分區和斗湖國際演講會所拥有的優勢。總監用Ta-WOW来形容及表达他讚揚。
花花之夜嘉賓和代表们也受到熱誠的招待。V Young及傳統竹筒舞蹈团更呈现了精彩的表演。来宾們也被邀请參加各项舞蹈。有了這個熱身运动每個人都随着各種音樂和歌曲纷纷起舞。他们当然也不忘记借此机会去认识更多的朋友。經驗丰富的司儀李再有巧妙地掌握了该晚儀式確保每個人都有一个個美好,喜悅和樂趣的夜晚。
K分區第15屆半年度峰会高潮是在第二天舉行的評审與幽默演講比賽。參賽者是较早前舉行的地區比賽獲獎者。安妮程是競賽主任,而拿汀Betty Hiew时是競賽籌備會主任。
雙雙来自文萊演講俱樂部的Rozana Yunos和Zainal Bostaman,分別贏得了評审和幽默演講比賽冠军。斗湖國際演講會的刘汉明在評审比賽获亚军。同時亚庇高級英語演講會的Jess Ambrose在第幽默演講比賽获亚军。
Rozana Yunos和Zainal Bostaman將代表K分區到將於 2010年11月28日在雅加達舉辦的第一屆87區半年度峰会比賽。来自印尼,文萊,沙巴和沙撈越的演講會会员將參加这项峰会。
期待已久的國際演講會87區 K分區第15屆半年度峰会終於在10月9日2010年如期進行。約 100名來自沙巴和文萊各地的代表出席了為期兩天一夜的峰会。
籌備委員會主任罗斯玲彼得羅森和K分區總監拿汀Grace Chiu在他們的發言同时承認及肯定斗湖演講會的勇氣和能力。罗斯玲說,斗湖國際演講會很小,成員们不多也在忙於工作和家庭的承諾。但委員們最後決定放下個人的問題,自今年五月开始集中全部精神来筹备这个峰会。在有限的会员人数,但不低於承諾的情况下,許多會員都必須扮演多個角色,以確保峰会的成功。
K分區總監拿汀Grace Chiu祝賀及感谢斗湖國際演講會的付出和牺牲。K分區峰会一路来都在亞庇,山打根和文萊舉辦。她也感謝各位代表们的支持國際演講會峰会,同时更好地把自己的公眾演講能力和領導技巧提升。
K分區總監也感謝主禮嘉賓暨專題演講嘉賓87區總監Mohamad Ariff Azahari。Mohamad Ariff来自砂拉越古晉。另外兩名專題演講嘉賓分別是来自吉打州的Sarjit Singh Sidhu博士和亚庇文华健言社的謝瑞盛。
稍早前,K分區理事會成員開會討論有關國際演講會事宜。出席會議的還有87區總監Mohamad Ariff Azahari,營銷副總監Richard Gontusan和87區秘书Ivy Fung。會議由K分區總總監拿汀Grace Chiu主持。在場的还有K分區文教及培訓助理總監李再有,市場助理總監黃鍵輝,公共主任Shane Ho,各地區總監和顧問。
拿汀Grace Chiu也在會議中宣布成功成立UMS演講會。K分區的演講會也因之增加到24个。更多的演講會也会繼續成立。这表现越來越多的人认同溝通和領導能力的重要性。
主禮嘉賓暨87區總監Mohamad Ariff Azahari在当晚演講时,祝賀 K分區和斗湖國際演講會成功地舉辦了這樣一個大規模的峰会。他也提出了許多K分區和斗湖國際演講會所拥有的優勢。總監用Ta-WOW来形容及表达他讚揚。
花花之夜嘉賓和代表们也受到熱誠的招待。V Young及傳統竹筒舞蹈团更呈现了精彩的表演。来宾們也被邀请參加各项舞蹈。有了這個熱身运动每個人都随着各種音樂和歌曲纷纷起舞。他们当然也不忘记借此机会去认识更多的朋友。經驗丰富的司儀李再有巧妙地掌握了该晚儀式確保每個人都有一个個美好,喜悅和樂趣的夜晚。
K分區第15屆半年度峰会高潮是在第二天舉行的評审與幽默演講比賽。參賽者是较早前舉行的地區比賽獲獎者。安妮程是競賽主任,而拿汀Betty Hiew时是競賽籌備會主任。
雙雙来自文萊演講俱樂部的Rozana Yunos和Zainal Bostaman,分別贏得了評审和幽默演講比賽冠军。斗湖國際演講會的刘汉明在評审比賽获亚军。同時亚庇高級英語演講會的Jess Ambrose在第幽默演講比賽获亚军。
Rozana Yunos和Zainal Bostaman將代表K分區到將於 2010年11月28日在雅加達舉辦的第一屆87區半年度峰会比賽。来自印尼,文萊,沙巴和沙撈越的演講會会员將參加这项峰会。
Photo Albums:
1. Tawau 2010
3. Workshop
The much anticipated Toastmasters International District 87 Division K 15th Semi-Annual Convention finally took off on 9th October 2010. About 100 delegates from Toastmasters all over Sabah and Brunei attended the two day one night convention in Tawau.
Hosting club Tawau Toastmasters Club was both happy and excited to receive all the delegates as it was the first time the literally small club took the challenge to host such a prestigious convention. Clubs in Division K are given the chance to host the convention which is held twice a year.
The courage of Tawau Toastmasters Club was acknowledged by both Convention Organising Chairperson Rosslin Peter Rosen and Division K Governor Datin Grace Chiu during their speeches. Rosslin says that Tawau Toastmasters Club is small in size and the members too are busy with work and family commitments. However the members have finally decided to put aside their personally matters and concentrated fully on the preparation of the convention since May this year. With limited, but not less committed, members many have to take up more than one role to ensure the success of the convention.
Division K Governor congratulated Tawau Toastmasters Club for taking up the big challenge to host the convention which has been held previously in Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Brunei. She also thanked the delegates for their support. The Toastmasters convention is always to place to better one’s public speaking and leadership skills besides fellowship.
Division Governor also thanked District 87 Governor Mohamad Ariff Azahari who was the Guest of Honour as well as a workshop speaker. Mohamad Ariff flown in from Kuching, Sarawak. Two other workshop speakers were Dr Sarjit Singh Sidhu from Darul Aman Toastmasters Club in Kedah and Ray Chia of Kota Kinabalu Mandarin Toastmasters Club.
The All-In-One Workshop was held on the afternoon of 9th October 2010. It was so called All-In-One as the workshop was conducted in English and Mandarin. All the speakers stressed on the importance of developing EQ or Emotional Intelligence, the need to express ourselves before it is too late and the need to understand our own characters to better improve ourselves.
Earlier before the workshop Division K Council members met to discuss matters regarding Toastmasters clubs in the division. Also present were District Governor Mohamad Ariff Azahari, Lieutenant Governor Marketing Richard Gontusan and District Secretary Ivy Fung. Division Governor Datin Grace Chiu who chaired the meeting with the presence of Assistant Division Governor Education and Training Lee Chye Ewe, Assistant Division Governor Marketing Randy Wong, Secretary Ling How Kee, Public Relations Officer Shane Ho, Area Governors and advisors.
During the meeting, Datin Grace also announced the successful chartering of UMS Toastmasters Club which adds the number of clubs in Division K to 24. More clubs are on the way and it shows that more and more people are paying more importance on communication and leadership skills.
A fellowship night themed with “Floral Night” followed in the evening to welcome all the delegates. Delegates and guests dressed in the floral attires limited only to their imagination. The function was aim to foster better camaraderie as well as exchanging views with fellow Toastmasters members.
While delivering his speech as Guest of Honour, District Governor Mohamad Ariff Azahari congratulated both Division K and Tawau Toastmasters Club for successfully organized a convention in such a grand scale. He has made many observations on the strengths of the convention in what he called the Ta-WOW (Tawau) factors.
He even went as far to suggest that the local authorities should promote Tawau using the Ta-WOW factors and adopt the Ta-WOW tag which has become very fond and familiar with the delegates.
Mohamad Ariff later presented the District 87 Star Pins to early achievers in the Toastmasters program. Tawau Mandarin Toastmasters Club which has recruited 14 new members in a short period was also honoured. President Wong Nyuk Lin received the special award.
Floral Night guests and delegates were later entertained with dances performed by V Young and Magunatip Bamboo Dances. They were also invited to join the dances. With this warming up everyone were dancing away to the variety of music and songs and not forgetting getting to know each other at the same time. Experience Master of The Ceremony for the evening Lee Chye Ewe ensured everyone was well entertained and had a wonderful night of joy and fun.
The highlight of the convention was the Division K Evaluation & Humorous Speech Contests which were held on the following day. Representatives were winners from the Area Contests which were held much earlier. Annie Cheng was the Speech Contests Chairperson while Datin Betty Hiew was the Contests Organising Chair.
Rozana Yunos and Zainal Bostaman, both from Brunei Speakers’ Club, won the Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests respectively. Liew Hon Min of Tawau Toastmasters Club came in second place for Evaluation Speech Contest while Jess Ambrose of Kota Kinabalu Advanced Toastmasters Club was at second place for Humorous Speech Contest.
Both Rozana and Zainal will represent Division K to the District 87 contests to be held on 28th November 2010 in Jakarta during the first District 87 Semi-Annual Convention. Toastmasters from Indonesia, Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak are expected to attend the district level convention.
On behalf of the Organising committee, Rosslin wishes the Division K speech contest representatives all the best and thank everyone for your support and participation which helped made the convention a successful one. She also thanked the generous sponsors, advertisers and donors.
Photo Albums:
1. Tawau 2010
2. Area K5 Speech Contests
3. Workshop
4. Floral Night 1
5. Floral Night 2
6. Division K Speech Contests
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